“Transnational organized crime reaches into every region, and every country across the world. Stopping this transnational threat represents one of the international community’s greatest global challenges,” said UNODC’s Executive Director, Yury Fedotov, in a news release.
“Crucial to our success is our ability to raise public awareness and generate understanding among key decision and policy-makers.”The $870 billion turnover from transnational organized crime is six times the amount of official development assistance, and is comparable to 1.5 per cent of the global domestic product, or seven per cent of the world’s exports of merchandise, according to UNODC. Drug trafficking is the most lucrative form of business for criminals, with an estimated value of $320 billion a year.
The Huge Impact of Drug Abuse
“Heroin, cocaine and other drugs continue to kill around 200,000 people a year, shattering
families and bringing misery to thousands of other people, insecurity and the spread of HIV,” Fedotov told the UN General Assembly, during a special thematic debate on drugs and
crime as a threat to development.
“At present, only around one quarter of all farmers involved in illicit drug crop cultivation
worldwide have access to development assistance – if we are to offer new opportunities and genuine alternatives, this needs to change,” Fedotov said.
The Assembly’s debate coincided with the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit
Trafficking, observed on 26 June, and was also the forum for Fedotov’s launch of UNODC’s
flagship study, the 2012 World Drug Report.
The UNODC chief said that drug-producing and drug-consuming countries alike have a stake
in fighting the illicit drug trade, adding that Governments should not forget that illicit drugs also affect health and security globally.
Drug use appears to be spilling over into countries lying on trafficking routes, such as in West and Central Africa, which are witnessing rising numbers of cocaine users, and Afghanistan and Iran, which are grappling with the highest rates of opium and heroin use.
Mr. Fedotov noted that as developing countries emulate the lifestyles of industrialized nations, drug consumption will probably increase, placing a heavier burden on countries ill equipped to deal with burgeoning drug demand. International support should therefore aim at strengthening the capacity of vulnerable nations to confront that challenge, he said.
The 2012 World Drug Report finds that although global patterns of illicit drug use, production and health consequences largely remained stable in 2012, opium production had rebounded to previous high levels in Afghanistan, the world’s biggest opium producer. In addition, lower overall levels of cultivation and production of opium and coca have been offset by rising levels of synthetic drug production.
230 Million People Use Illicit Drugs
Around 230 million people, or five per cent of the world’s adult population, aged 15 to 64, are estimated to have used an illicit drug at least once in 2010, according to the Report. Problem drug users, mainly heroin- and cocaine-dependent persons, number about 27 million, roughly 0.6 per cent of the world adult population, or 1 in every 200 people.
On opium, the Report says that Afghanistan has returned to high levels of opium production.
Global opium production amounted to 7,000 tons in 2011, up from 2010, when plant diseases
wiped out almost half the crop yields and triggered steep price rises in Afghanistan. Myanmar remained the world’s second largest poppy-crop grower and opium producer after Afghanistan, with cultivation up by 14 per cent in 2011 and a nine per cent share of global opium production.
On cocaine, the Report finds that the number of estimated annual cocaine users in 2010
ranged from 13.3 million to 19.7 million– or around 0.3 to 0.4 of the global adult population.
North America, Europe, Australia, Major Markets for Cocaine
The major markets for cocaine continue to be North America, Europe and Australia. The
United States saw cocaine use decrease from 3.0 per cent in 2006 to 2.2 per cent in 2010
among adults, and in Europe cocaine use remains stable but continues to rival use in the
United States. However, cocaine use is up in Australia and South America, and it is also
spreading to parts of Africa and Asia.
The 2012 World Drug Report finds that the use and global seizures of amphetamine-type
stimulants, the second most widely used drugs worldwide, remained largely stable.
However, in 2010, methamphetamine seizures, of around 45 tons, more than doubled those of 2008, due to significant seizures in Central America and East and South-East Asia. In Europe, ‘ecstasy’ pill seizures more than doubled, from 595 kilograms in 2009 to 1.3 tons in 2010, indicating a stronger market on that continent.
“Crucial to our success is our ability to raise public awareness and generate understanding among key decision and policy-makers.”The $870 billion turnover from transnational organized crime is six times the amount of official development assistance, and is comparable to 1.5 per cent of the global domestic product, or seven per cent of the world’s exports of merchandise, according to UNODC. Drug trafficking is the most lucrative form of business for criminals, with an estimated value of $320 billion a year.
The Huge Impact of Drug Abuse
“Heroin, cocaine and other drugs continue to kill around 200,000 people a year, shattering
families and bringing misery to thousands of other people, insecurity and the spread of HIV,” Fedotov told the UN General Assembly, during a special thematic debate on drugs and
crime as a threat to development.
“At present, only around one quarter of all farmers involved in illicit drug crop cultivation
worldwide have access to development assistance – if we are to offer new opportunities and genuine alternatives, this needs to change,” Fedotov said.
The Assembly’s debate coincided with the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit
Trafficking, observed on 26 June, and was also the forum for Fedotov’s launch of UNODC’s
flagship study, the 2012 World Drug Report.
The UNODC chief said that drug-producing and drug-consuming countries alike have a stake
in fighting the illicit drug trade, adding that Governments should not forget that illicit drugs also affect health and security globally.
Drug use appears to be spilling over into countries lying on trafficking routes, such as in West and Central Africa, which are witnessing rising numbers of cocaine users, and Afghanistan and Iran, which are grappling with the highest rates of opium and heroin use.
Mr. Fedotov noted that as developing countries emulate the lifestyles of industrialized nations, drug consumption will probably increase, placing a heavier burden on countries ill equipped to deal with burgeoning drug demand. International support should therefore aim at strengthening the capacity of vulnerable nations to confront that challenge, he said.
The 2012 World Drug Report finds that although global patterns of illicit drug use, production and health consequences largely remained stable in 2012, opium production had rebounded to previous high levels in Afghanistan, the world’s biggest opium producer. In addition, lower overall levels of cultivation and production of opium and coca have been offset by rising levels of synthetic drug production.
230 Million People Use Illicit Drugs
Around 230 million people, or five per cent of the world’s adult population, aged 15 to 64, are estimated to have used an illicit drug at least once in 2010, according to the Report. Problem drug users, mainly heroin- and cocaine-dependent persons, number about 27 million, roughly 0.6 per cent of the world adult population, or 1 in every 200 people.
On opium, the Report says that Afghanistan has returned to high levels of opium production.
Global opium production amounted to 7,000 tons in 2011, up from 2010, when plant diseases
wiped out almost half the crop yields and triggered steep price rises in Afghanistan. Myanmar remained the world’s second largest poppy-crop grower and opium producer after Afghanistan, with cultivation up by 14 per cent in 2011 and a nine per cent share of global opium production.
On cocaine, the Report finds that the number of estimated annual cocaine users in 2010
ranged from 13.3 million to 19.7 million– or around 0.3 to 0.4 of the global adult population.
North America, Europe, Australia, Major Markets for Cocaine
The major markets for cocaine continue to be North America, Europe and Australia. The
United States saw cocaine use decrease from 3.0 per cent in 2006 to 2.2 per cent in 2010
among adults, and in Europe cocaine use remains stable but continues to rival use in the
United States. However, cocaine use is up in Australia and South America, and it is also
spreading to parts of Africa and Asia.
The 2012 World Drug Report finds that the use and global seizures of amphetamine-type
stimulants, the second most widely used drugs worldwide, remained largely stable.
However, in 2010, methamphetamine seizures, of around 45 tons, more than doubled those of 2008, due to significant seizures in Central America and East and South-East Asia. In Europe, ‘ecstasy’ pill seizures more than doubled, from 595 kilograms in 2009 to 1.3 tons in 2010, indicating a stronger market on that continent.